What we do
Errem maiorum signiferumque vim id, sed persius incorrupte cu, an tantas dolores adversarium vix. Quis persecuti sea ei, sea ad augue consulatu dignissim. Velit postea latine sed no, pri te tamquam mnesarchum, pri noluisse intellegam in. Ut usu zril oblique. Nec impedit perpetua temporibus te.
Company video
Quo ut cetero deseruisse necessitatibus, ei duo fierent volutpat, essent postulant mea te. No sit prodesset scriptorem theophrastus, nec prompta suavitate reformidans te. Fierent postulant sed et, his et nobis graece copiosae. Pri ei malorum intellegebat consequuntur, id est consul hendrerit, percipit partiendo accommodare no mei. Veri officiis scribentur vix et, vix adhuc tempor at. Usu animal philosophia eu. Sea ne clita commodo, nec ad wisi alienum. Nec impedit perpetua temporibus te. Et vix stet blandit.

Our mission
Ex est affert quando, pri quodsi legendos efficiendi et, doctus tibique consequuntur usu no. Numquam expetendis ea vix, nam et mentitum suavitate. Usu ei oratio feugiat apeirian, in vim nonumes scripserit, modus soluta mediocrem eu sed. Velit postea latine sed no, pri te tamquam mnesarchum.
Our history
Timothy Doe creates company & manages it (1904-1925)
May 1904
Grandfather Timothy Doe with Jonathan Smith create company named DoeSmith Inc.
24 June 1905
First headquaters are located in Timothy’s old working place.
6 March 1910
Company begins to manufacture machine tools for aircraft industry.
Company produces 70 different types of machine tools and give a workplace for 2100 employees.
13 September 1925
Timothy Doe dies in age of 54. His young son, Jack takes over the company in age of 24.
Jack Doe becomes a owner (1925 - 1987)
7 June 1930
Jack Doe builds another factory in Washingthon. Number of employed people is 3 400.
18 February 1956
Jack Doe changes the name of company to Machinery and starts lathe production.
30 August 1960
First line of CNC machines is created and takes the major share of market. Machinery’s estimated value is $1,4 bln.
11 April 1972
CNC machines are still developed. Company registeres dozenes of patents.
26 October 1987
Jack Doe dies leaving the company to his son John.
John Doe manages the company (1987 - today)
1 July 1991
John Doe acquires two smaller competitors and carries out a fushion.
31 December 1996
Machinery ends the year with $15 bln in revenue and 9 500 people employed around the world.
23 May 2003
First seperate Construction Centre opened, in New York City.
8 September 2007
European Specialized Construction Centre opened in London.
10 December 2012
Machinery acquires SmallMachineryCompany and has monopoly on the market.
Our team

John Doe
Quis persecuti sea ei, sea ad augue consulatu dignissim. Velit postea latine sed no pri te.

Jonathan Banks
Magna eloquentiam cum ex, utroque pertinacia et mei. Eam ne dolorem euripidis rationibus.

Jessica Woody
Cum percipit corrumpit ei. Cu dolor deseruisse ius, sadipscing concludaturque ei pri. Est ne primis putent eligendi.

Jacob Johnson
Sea ne adversarium signiferumque, volumus voluptua legendos cum id. Ut his scaevola detraxit. Ut mel solet dissentiunt.

William Miller
Alia regione definiebas nam eu, duo cu perpetua reprimique. Cum affert volutpat conceptam ad, sed aeterno adipiscing ad, iusto inimicus democritum ex eam.

Matt Brown
At qui minim veniam graeco. Virtute numquam omittam vim ne, eu civibus volumus euripidis sea. An sed dicit placerat, eleifend intellegam eam cu.
- Washington, DC, 1142 6th St NW
- washington@machinerycompany.com
- Mon – Fri: 8 am. – 10 pm.
- Sat – Sun: 11 am. – 4 pm.
New York
- NY, Brooklyn, Atlantic Terrace, 212 S Oxford St
- new.york@machinerycompany.com
- Mon – Fri: 9 am. – 9 pm.
- Sat – Sun: 10 am. – 1 pm.
- London, 32 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
- london@machinerycompany.com
- Mon – Fri: 11 am. – 4 pm.
- Sat – Sun: Closed